Ibn-e-Insha in Urdu ki akhri kitab’ said 'yeh daira-e-Islam hai, pehle ismein shamil krty thay ajkal dakhla mana hai, sirf kharij kertay hain' Same is the case with blogging. People used to encourage & welcome others to start a blog and now spend lives proving how others are non-bloggers and should be kicked out of ‘blogger’s fraternity’. None of my business though but this tug-war has made blogging-sphere look awkward.
Karachi Literature Festival Goes London!
Karachi Literature Festival Goes London! Either it was #KLFLondon hashtag on Twitter or a post on Oxford University Press's Facebook page where they announced KLF's launch in Royal Festival Hall of London's Southbank Center as part of their annual Alchemy festival. Unfortunately though, we don't get literary vibes from Pakistan much and KLF is an... Continue Reading →
Don’t Keep Calm, Its India Vs Pakistan!
For all #PakVsInd games, its all about nerves, the one with better control over nerves, Wins! #CT17